
Self-propelled Irrigation Machine


Agrometer Has The Solution

With a deep-rooted presence in the agricultural sector and extensive expertise in slurry application, irrigation and pumps, Agrometer is so much more than just products; we offer tailored solutions. Whether it’s slurry handling or irrigation, we are here to ensure your needs are not only met but exceeded.

Get Earlier in The Field With Agrometer

Are you facing challenges with slurry spreading under wet conditions? With rainfall, it can be difficult to spread slurry efficiently using traditional slurry tankers, which require drier fields. Agrometer provides a solution that minimizes soil compaction and enables slurry spreading right from the start of the application season. Our advanced and lightweight slurry spreaders are designed to operate in wet conditions, so you don’t have to wait for the fields to dry out. Discover how Agrometer can make your slurry spreading more efficient and optimize your farm's productivity.



2015 08 18 10.03.19

AGM rotationspumperne


AGM rotationspumpen er udviklet og produceret i vores produktionshal i Grindsted. Vores sortiment indenfor rotationspumper er mange, og kan skræddersyes nøjagtig efter dine behov. Pumperne giver dig en lang række unikke fordele - også når der skal pumpes vanskelige medier under barske forhold.

  • Tørtopstillet - bedre arbejdsmiljø
  • Kompakt opbygning - fleksibel indretning
  • Hurtig service - lavere omkostninger
  • Kraftigere komponenter - sikker drift 

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Stort reservedelslager

  • Agrometer er lagerførende i mere end 28.000 varenr. 
  • Dag til dag levering 

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Pump unit - APV 350

The APV 350 is the bigger brother to the APV 250. It comes with the same good features - but with a larger capacity. A sturdy construction means that you can pump larger quantities between regular servicings. The APV 350 is equipped with a 205 kW John Deere engine and a 5” Cornell 4NHTB cast iron pump.

For years this model has been used for slurry pumping in both Europe and the USA, and it has earned itself a deserved reputation as a particularly powerfull and strong pump, which guarantees high performance.

With an APV 350 you get up to 350 m3 of slurry at a discharge pressure of 12 bar!


Rustfri skruepresser lille transp2

Screw press

With a simple yet sturdy construction, the AGM Screw Press is very suitable for separating any type of liquid slurry. The AGM Screw Press is avaliable in two sizes, and optional equipment ensures an optimum work flow. Service and maintenance of the AGM Screw Press is quick and trouble-free:

Simply flip back the top of machine, and you have access to auger and filter which can be removed by hand. The filter can be changed likewise, hereby adjusting the fiber amount.



HRG 5600 4


With the HRG 5600, laying out supply hoses becomes both quicker and easier. And at the same time your crops are better protected.

The HRG 5600 makes it possible to lay out the hose in a straight line behind the tractor or along either side - without "wobbling" the tractor, and without handling the hoses manually.


Interested? Let us contact you.